Founder of Sub Surface

Clifford Marsden (Founder of Sub Surface) obtained a state scholarship at Manchester University to study Civil Engineering. During this time WW2 started. Fail and you were in the army!

Clifford successfully completed his degree and trained as a Civil Engineer in Manchester and worked his way up the rankings.

He became a lecturer at the College of Building in Liverpool, and later became a Senior Lecturer in Soil Mechanics at Bolton Technical College (now University of Bolton).

He became a Chartered Engineer by becoming a Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers in 1962 and later became a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers in 1968.

He was offered the role of Head of Civil Engineering and Building at Wigan & District, Mining & Technical College which was regarded as one of the foremost mining colleges in the country. (Picture below, sat of the front row in the centre with a moustache and his legs crossed).

Department of Civil Engineering and Building at Wigan & District, Mining & Technical College 1967/8. Clifford Marsden (Head of Civil Engineering and Building) sat of the front row in the centre with a moustache and his legs crossed.

During this time Clifford founded Sub Surface on 28th March 1972 on a part time basis from his home on Abbotsway in Penwortham, whilst he was still the Head of Civil Engineering and Building at Wigan & District, Mining & Technical College.

Much to everyone’s disappointment Wigan & District, Mining & Technical College failed to achieve university status. Clifford Marsden and all the other higher earners were made redundant and this redundancy money was used to kick start Sub Surface.

50 years later, here we are today!

Sadly, Clifford Marsden passed away in 2004 but he will always be an inspiration and we will forever be grateful!