Radon Risk Assessment

Radon Risk Assessment

Radon risk assessments are required by Local Planning Authorities for sites identified by Public Health England (PHE) as being in a Radon Affected Area.

Radon is a carcinogenic and radioactive gas.  It is a product of the decay of Radium which is present in generally very small quantities in all soils, however some soils and rocks can contain sufficient concentrations to allow radon to accumulate to dangerous levels in enclosed spaces within buildings.

Sub Surface can carry out a desk based search to determine whether a site is located in a radon affected area and if so assess the need for full or basic radon protective measures.  We can also provide verification of the installation of protective measures and sign off on completion.

Our Radon Risk Assessment and Validation Reports are tailored to meet the requirements of Local Planning Authorities and the NHBC, but are also suitable for due diligence purposes.

Whom to Contact

If you would like a quote for our Radon Risk Assessment services or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Regional Sub Surface Office.

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