Phase III Options Appraisal and Remediation Statement

Options Appraisal and Remediation Statement

Before commencing the remediation stage it is advisable to conduct an Options Appraisal.  Our Consultants have a wide range of experience and expertise and are well placed to advise on the most suitable cost effective remediation technologies to address the pollutant linkages on the site.

Our Options Appraisal and Remediation Statements (aka. Remediation Strategies) are undertaken in consultation with the Local Planning Authority and/or the Environment Agency, along with Specialist Remediation Contractors where required.

The Different Types of Remediation Strategies

Depending on the contaminants found and the Conceptual Site Model, there are numerous different remediation technologies that can be used including:  Excavation, Capping / Pathway Intervention, Segregation / Screening, Stabilisation / Solidification, Monitored Natural Attenuation, In-situ Bioremediation, Ex-situ Bioremediation, Soil Washing, Thermal Desorption, Chemical Oxidation, Air Sparging / Soil Vapour Extraction, Groundwater Pump and Treat.

Once the Options Appraisal has been concluded and before commencing with the site work, we produce a formal Remediation Statement setting out the remediation strategies and Validation methodology to be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval.

Whom to Contact

If you would like a quote for our Options Appraisal and Remediation Statement services or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Regional Sub Surface Office.

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