Sub Surface can undertake Contamination Analysis and carry out Water Pipeline Risk Assessments for new water supply pipe connections to satisfy Water Authority requirements.
The UK Water Industry Research (UKWIR) have published “Guidance for the Selection of Water Supply Pipes to be used in Brownfield Sites” (Ref 10/WM/03/21; the ‘UKWIR Guidance’) which aims to ensure that the correct materials are adopted for water pipes and components used on brownfield sites (defined in the guidance as “land or premises that have previously been used or developed”).
If new water supply connections are proposed for a site and if the site has previously been developed, a risk assessment will be required by the Local Water Authority.
It should be noted that some Water Authorities may require a Water Pipeline Risk Assessment for new connection on greenfield sites, though in this case a Phase I Preliminary Risk Assessment is often adequate.
Whom to Contact
If you would like a quote for our Water Pipeline Risk Assessment services or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Regional Sub Surface Office.