

Earthworks (backfilling or cut and fill operations) are commonly used when developing a site with variable topography to provide a more economical development and reduce the environmental impact. However, there are a number of associated hazards and we provide a comprehensive ground investigation, testing and reporting service followed by onsite supervision during the construction phase to achieve a feasible, safe and stable platform.

Earthworks undertaken in the correct manor can significantly reduce development costs and reduce the impact on the environment through reusing materials. Reusing material on site reduces the amount waste material to be disposed to a landfill site and reduces the amount of aggregate needed to be brought to site.

We have carried out Earthworks projects on many sites from residential, commercial and industrial projects to transport infrastructure and other civil engineering projects overcoming a wide variety of potential hazards and stability issues.

Following a site specific Ground Investigation tailored to the proposed development and Earthworks, we aim to use our expertise to maximise the volume of usable material and limit long-term settlement and stability issues through in-situ and laboratory testing such as: Classification of Soils, Soil Compaction Tests, Moisture Condition Value (MCV), Sand Replacement Density Tests, etc.

We also provide supervision throughout the construction phase, to monitor and control the Earthworks procedure to achieve a safe, practical and stable platform for the proposed development.

Whom to Contact

If you would like a quote for a Ground Investigation and Geotechnical Report with Earthworks involved or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Regional Sub Surface Office.

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