Ground Stability - Mining and Cavities

Ground Stability – Mining and Natural Cavities

Sub Surface provide Ground Stability Assessment Reports to assess the risk of ground instability from Mining and Natural Cavities nationwide.

We design a site specific Site Investigation with regards to the risk of ground instability and the expected ground conditions, to identify the presences of any voids, low strength or loose infilled material and/or any sudden changes in the geological formation to enable a Ground Stability Assessment Report to be written and overcome any potential Engineering problems.


A significant proportion of the UK sits above a mining area, where there is may be a risk of abandoned mines, leaving voids and low strength or loose infilled material potentially causing ground instability.

A wide variety of mining has been undertaken across the UK including:

  • Brine Extraction
  • Limestone Mining
  • Chalk Mining
  • Ironstone (Iron-ore) Mining
  • Clay Mining
  • Metals Mining
  • Coal Mining
  • Sandstone Mining
  • Flagstone Mining
  • Sand and Gravel Mining
  • Gypsum Extraction
  • Etc.

Is my site in a Coal Mining Area? Is my site in a Non-Coal Mining Area?

The most common type of mining in the UK causing Ground Stability issues is Coal Mining. If your Coal Mining Risk Assessment determines the site to be within a High Risk Development Area, a Site Investigation and Ground Stability Assessment Report will be required.

Natural Cavities (Dissolution of Soluble Rocks)

Natural Cavities form when water passes through soluble (or karstic) rocks and dissolves the rock minerals over time. This results in the Engineering problems from potential gentle subsidence to catastrophic collapses (sinkholes) of the ground, buildings, roads and other structures.

The most common soluble rocks found in the UK are Chalk, Gypsum, Limestone and Salt. They all have different solubility and dissolution rates with varying karst features from uneven rock head to cavities and sinkholes.

Whom to Contact

If you would like a quote for a Ground Stability Assessment or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Regional Sub Surface Office.

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