Sub Surface’s laboratories offer a full range of Geotechnical Laboratory Testing services. Our laboratories are fully equipped to carry out soil testing to BS1377:1990 and rock testing to ISRM 1974-2006 and are staffed by highly experienced and trained technicians to provide fast, reliable and high quality results.
Some of our most common Geotechnical Laboratory Tests include…
Geotechnical Soil Testing
Classification Tests:
- Moisture content, plastic limit and liquid limit tests (LL, PL & PI)
- Bulk Density Test
- Dry Density Moisture Content Relationship (2.5kg, 4.5kg or vibrating hammer)
- Natural Moisture Content
- Particle Size Distribution (wet and dry sieve)
- Particle Size Distribution (sedimentation analysis)
Performance Tests:
- California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Test
- Oedometer Consolidation Test (Mv, Cv &e/log P)
- Permeability Test
Shear Strength Tests:
- Quick Undrained Triaxial Compression Test
- Shear Box Test for Immediate Shear Strength
- Natural Shear Strength by Hand Vane
Effective Stress Tests
- Shear Box Test for Consolidated Drained Peak and Residual Shear Strength
- Consolidated Drained Triaxial Compression Test with Volume Change and Pore Water Pressure Measurement
- CUD Consolidated Undrained Triaxial Compression Test with Pore Water Pressure Measurement
Geotechnical Rock Testing
- Moisture Content Bulk Density of Rock
- Resistance to Abrasion Los Angeles Test
- Schmidt Hardness Test
- Point Load Strength Index Test
- Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS) Test
- Young’s Modulus & Poisson’s Ratio
Geotechnical Chalk Testing
- Intact Dry Density
- Porosity
- Saturation Moisture Content (SMC)
Our Geotechnical Engineers at Sub Surface will provide a site specific Laboratory Testing Schedule based on the strata encountered, the type of development and the proposed foundation Design for each Ground Investigation to enable a Technical Report to be written.
Contamination Testing can also be included as part of your Laboratory Testing and Ground Investigation.
Whom to Contact
If you would like a quote for any Geotechnical Laboratory Testing individually or as part of a full Ground Investigation, please do not hesitate to contact your Regional Sub Surface Office.